Refrigerant Briefing for Summer 2022

Would you like to learn about the latest refrigerant insights from Summer 2022? There’s been many changes in the world of refrigerants this summer season, including with refrigerant regulations, price increases, and fines.

That’s why we’re hosting a free, live 30-min webinar on Friday., September 30th at 12:00PM to explore the most important refrigerant updates from this summer. Topics of discussion include the AIM Act, new proposed EPA SNAP Rule, Kigali Amendment, and much more.

Update October 2022: Are you looking to learn about the new epa refrigerant regulations for 2022? You can learn these insights in our upcoming Refrigerant Briefing webinar event for Fall 2022 at the Alpyne Institute. Register today. 



There’s been a lot of activity around the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2022 in recent months. Back in May, we hosted our AIM Act in 2022: Part 1 event, and there’s been some movement on the AIM Act since. 

For one, there’s been a growing sentiment of challenging the refrigerant cylinder ban, which we will go into more detail about. There’s also been an announcement by the EPA on administrative consequences under the HFC allocation rule.

With 2023 right around the corner, now is a good time to get up-to-speed on the latest with the AIM Act, as we expect to see further developments later this year. 


Proposed EPA SNAP Rule 25

On July 28, 2022, the EPA published a new proposed EPA SNAP Rule 26, which lists a number of substitute refrigerants as acceptable, subject to use conditions, or acceptable, subject to narrowed use limits, in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. 

It also proposes to modify the use conditions for R-32 and reflect the UL Standard 603335-2-40, 3rd Edition.

Comments are due 45 days after the publication date in the Federal Register. 


Inflation Reduction Act

The new Inflation Reduction Act has been dubbed a boom for heat pumps. 

In fact, in this historic legislation, there’s new tax credits and rebates for homeowners who add energy efficiency upgrades such as the following:

  • Heta Pumps
  • Heat Pump Water Heaters
  • Electric Panels
  • Insulation, Sealing, & Ventilation


Why Attend Our Refrigerant Briefing Events

Our popular Refrigerant Briefing webinar events provide a bridge for those in the B2B and B2C HVAC industry, including for contractors, B2C & B2B marketing managers, and compliance / sustainability specialists. 

Reserve your spot now by filling out the form below. Join the LinkedIn event here.

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